Feminist discussion Night: Equitable Creative Industries

  • Locatie: Atria, bibliotheek
  • Datum:
  • Tijd: 0:00
17 mei - 14 apr Feminist discussion Night: Equitable Creative Industries

Discussie georganiseerd door de Feminist Club Amsterdam over de creatieve industrie.

Beschrijving (EN):
The creative and cultural sectors draw together tradition, imagination, and innovation. As individuals, we are able to question existing norms, to reinterpret values and identity narratives. We believe that creativity can act as a catalyst for changing socio-economic and political issues through alternative discourses and practices. Cultural change precedes and embodies political change, arts and cultures are essential in the agenda of progress. So why is the current cultural climate so unequal?

The arts sector has always been regarded as one of the most liberal and open-minded across various cultures. Despite a large number of open-minded cultural activists the problem of gender discrimination still exists within the creative and cultural industries which block access to creative participation in making and enjoying arts. Gender insensitivity in cultural leadership, especially for those in positions of power within these industries, is something that needs to change in order for creativity and culture to achieve the change and progression that it is established from.

So, we invite you to discuss how to bring about equal representation and participation in the creative and cultural sectors toward a more equitable industry. Come and join FCA in discussing creativity, gender, access to participation, successes and areas for improvement collectively and in our individual lives!

Tijd en locatie

Atria, kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis. Vijzelstraat 20, Amsterdam.

Start event: 19.30 tot 22.00


We vragen je aan te melden via Eventbrite.

De entree is 2 euro, dit kun je betalen aan de deur.


Meer info is te vinden in het Facebook Event van de Feminist Club.

